Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Rejection Hurts

It is with great sadness that I must report I will not be attending Georgetown University this January. I received the eloquent rejection letter the other day and though it was short it still stung. Granted my GRE score was laughable but I had hoped that my other credentials would swing things my way. I suppose its for the best considering that we are not entirely sure where we will end up within the next year and a half so perhaps it is better to save that $40,000 for something else.


Ryan said...

You're way smarter than me, babe. Plus, it's Georgetown's loss for not having you in their program. LOVE!

Elysa said...

I'm sorry to hear the news, but I agree it's their loss to miss out on such a talented and sharp person. You are going to have so many opportunities and I bet you'll look back and think that what you ended up doing was the better direction for you.