Hi everyone. This is Pippin. My folks are busy because Sarah is working a lot and that man who feeds me has been studying for some type of exams all week. So I figured I should post something since they're busy and tell you about how my holiday season is going. It's been pretty good so far, considering it's the only one I have experienced. Here are some highlights. First, I went to Thanksgiving at a farm, where apparently everyone gets to eat turkey but me. It must be some sort of holiday designed to torture pets. On the plus side, I got to meet some kittens who were pretty cool.
When I got home, I had to spend a little more time than usual by myself, since the man who feeds me was so busy. Fortunately, I was able to find ways to entertain myself... by eating plaster and sheet rock to my heart's content. Unfortunately, I got a bit of a stomachache as a result, and my people were not pleased (probably because I ate three other holes in the bathroom wall too).
Their "solution" as they called it was to fence me in even more so than usual, so now when I am by myself at the house I have to sit in the bathroom and stay inside this fence. It's so degrading. I am not pleased.
To make matters worse, my people brought a friend over who also has a Cavalier. They let Floyd the Cavalier into my house! To sit on my couch! In my owner's lap! While I was sitting there already! I was not pleased.
Then, when I finally got to go outside, it was snowing. At first, I was pretty excited by how much ice there was (seeing as ice cubes are my favorite food), but then I realized how cold it was, and I wanted to go home. Fortunately, it only lasted a day or so, so my life is good. Well, talk to you later. I sleep about 18 hours a day, so writing this post has made me pretty tired. Bye!
This post was so cute! I'm glad Pippin is enjoying the holidays. I miss him... We'll have to come over and hang out with him soon.
Hey Pippin,
I'm so sad I didn't get to meet you before we moved. Oliver and Nabby would have loved inviting you over. You and Nabs would get along great. She eats and bites through stuff she shouldn't too. Tell Sarah we miss her and hope Georgetown says yes. And tell the guy who feeds you good luck on those finals!!
Ahhh! I didn't read your previous post till I wrote that comment! George town stinks. Remember how they had that nasty flu stuff going around up there with people throwing up all the time. You don't want any part of that anyway!
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