Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Road Trip Across America

Hi everyone, and welcome to the blog. Sarah and I wanted to find a way to keep everyone posted on how we were doing here in DC. We're both doing great. Sarah is enjoying her job, and I'm enjoying sitting around the house, wishing I had a job. We're going to do our best to keep this blog updated, so that you all can see what we're up to. For starters, here are some choice pictures of our trip across America's heartland.

Here are all of our worldly possessions, packed up in two cubes. These cubes are supposedly sitting in Baltimore right now, waiting for us to find an apartment to put them in.

Here was the Cadillac Ranch in the middle of Texas. Truly, a bizarre place. Essentially, it's ten old Cadillacs that are buried halfway in the ground and covered in spray paint. Also, there appeared to be an old nuclear bomb there.

This is apparently the largest cross in the Western hemisphere. It was glorious.

We stopped at Neely's BBQ on our way through Memphis, TN. For those of you who aren't addicted to the Food Network, the Neely's have their own show, where they cook lots of meat and stuff.

The ribs were fantastic, and the beef brisket ruled.

So, that's it for now. Once I get some more pictures from the trip, I'll put some more up here on the blog. I gotta get back to watching Price is Right, because it's almost time for the Showcase Showdown. So long, everyone.


Kimberly said...

Hey Ryan! Welcome to the blog club. Also, welcome to the east coast (I was just in DC the other weekend). Hope you find a job soon. Sitting around all day gets old after awhile. Trust me, I know. :)

Ryan said...

Oh it's already gotten old for me. But I appreciate the welcome to the East Coast. I really like it.

Stefan said...

Intretinutule! But I still love you buddy! Keep us posted!

Brianne said...

Ryan, Sarah is so lovely! I am jealous you got to go to Neely's and see the cadillac ranch but am way confused I didn't know you were going to D.C. You two are lucky!

Anonymous said...

so THATS where my ten old Cadillacs went.