Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Pictures of Our New Apartment (with someone else's stuff in it)

Here are some photos of our new place. We took these when we signed the contract, so the owner's stuff is still inside it. The place is really nice. It's called the Cardinal House in Arlington, VA, and it is about ten minute's walk from the metro that I will need to take to school. We are planning on moving in sometime next week, so we'll put up some more pictures later on.
We have a front porch (sort of)! Since our apartment is on the ground floor, we have our own entrance to the place. There's even an area where we can sit outside and grill when we want to.

The kitchen is pretty nice. It's recently been redone with new countertops, cabinets, and appliances.
The bathroom has also recently been redone, and has some pretty sweet stonework inside the shower. We are really excited about moving in and having our own place again. Although I will miss the Wii/Playstation 2/XBox at Sarah's house. That new Mario Kart game is incredibly addictive.

1 comment:

Corndog said...

NICE!! I can hardly wait to see what my room looks like!