Tuesday, July 15, 2008

No money, Mo' problems

Hey folks. Sorry I haven't put much on the blog lately. My computer died, so I am waiting for my Iranian friend at the Computer Clinic to fix everything so I can start working on it again. As for exciting news, Sarah and I now have an apartment, as well as a couch and a love seat. Although we may not have any money, we have a place to sleep, and a place to watch TV. Woohoo!


Corndog said...

A sofa...a television...and a loving spouse that lets you enjoy them. Just part of the Great Plan of Happiness that doesn't get a lot of mention in the scriptures or from The Brethren. Cuenta tus bendiciones!

McKenzie said...

You two are so cute! I didn't realize you were in Washington! How exciting! I'm sure it's nice being close to family! Ryan and I just moved into our apartment last week - it's wonderful being married and having a place of your own! Yea! (Ryan, where are you going to law school?)