Sunday, April 7, 2013

A Visit from My Folks

Although it's been a very busy month for all Petersons both young and old, my parents were able to find time to come visit us here on the East Coast.  We had a great time with their visit.  Since I'm still in the mandatory portion of Consular training, I wasn't able to take too much time off, but we still got to see some sights.  They came to see the Cherry Blossoms, which sadly still aren't blooming due to the odd cold front here in DC, but it warmed up a bit over the weekend while they were here. 

We took them to Baltimore on Saturday, where we got to visit Fort McHenry (where Francis Scott Key wrote the poem that would become our National Anthem), as well as see some of the sights in the Inner Harbor, like the awesome National Aquarium.  I highly recommend a trip to Baltimore if you're ever in the DC area. 

We also managed to get all the in-laws together for Easter dinner, which was a lot of fun.  Thankfully, no one made any "Last Supper" jokes before we head off to the great unknown in Juarez.  Overall, we had a great visit.  And thanks for the tie, Mom and Dad! 

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