Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Sarah is competing in a cupcake competition! She's got some amazing cupcake baking skills, so she'll put them to the test at a local contest on the 25th. I'll be the official taste tester in the family, so I'll keep you posted on how delicious everything is. Also, I finally found a way to put pictures on the blog again. Hooray! Here are some pictures of chocolate chip cheesecake filled cupcakes with chocolate ganache. Enjoy looking at them!


Lisa Marie said...

I wish I could enjoy tasting them...

Corndog said...

Well...if you don't get an "A" in Torts...I'm pretty sure that Sarah will. Think you could use some experienced yet totally unbiased help with those taste-testing responsibilities??? My cupcake critiquing credentials are well established...just look at the cake crumbs on my shirt!

Kathy said...

The cupcakes look fantastic. Sarah must be the best cupcake baker in the world.
I don't know about the red beard on Ryan though, its a little disconcerting. He kind of looks like a pirate, and we already have two of those in the family.