Saturday, July 7, 2012

Mitt & Me

Following is a letter I intend to send to Mitt Romney relating a dream I had last night.  Let me know if you think I should send it.

Dear Mr. Romney:

Hope the campaign's going well.  I had an interesting dream last night, that I figured I should share with you.  In the dream, you were coming to Arlington, VA, for a campaign event, and asked that the Arlington 2nd Ward help put together a BBQ for you.  Since I'm in the Elders' Quorum Presidency, that meant that I had to go out and help you round up supplies.  So we hopped in my car and drove out to some local farms to pick up everything.

We managed to gather all the meat and vegetables we needed, and had a rather amazing experience at the last farm.  I noticed that a chicken egg was about to hatch, so we gathered together to watch it happen.  There we were, on all fours, me in my jeans, and you in your suit, as we peered into the nest to watch the miracle of life.  The baby chicken burst out, turned into a tiny rabbit, and then we helped him find his mother.  What a great experience.

After that, we made it back to Arlington in time for the potluck dinner at the church.  For some reason you and I decided to buy about three tons of neapolitan ice cream, so we had trouble convincing people they needed to keep eating it so it wouldn't all melt.  Good times.  Anyway, you seemed pretty cool in my dream last night, so I wish you the best on the campaign.


Ryan Peterson 


Kay said...

Kay: "Yes, yes! Send it. Send it. The hatching part is gold"

Jason: "Send it, and if he writes you back please post it."

Lisa Marie said...

I'm a little behind on my blog reading. That would be hilarious if you sent that. The chick turned into a bunny... awesome.