Monday, October 6, 2008

DC Cupcake Competition Photos!

We finally got some pictures from Sarah's cupcake competition. The competition was a lot of fun, and Sarah got second-place in the amateur division! She did a fantastic job, and was one of the few competitors who actually brought enough cupcakes for all of the people that showed up. I know because I helped frost all of them (Sarah's mom helped too).

Every participant had to have three types of cupcakes: chocolate with vanilla frosting, yellow with chocolate frosting, and a "wild card" entry. Sarah chose to do an Italian creme cake, which was a really creamy cupcake with walnuts and coconut. It was a real crowd-pleaser, and a couple of people asked Sarah is she would be willing to cater their upcoming events!

The cupcakes were delicious, but Sarah and I have sworn off of them for at least a month. We have moved on to pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, and cakes for the ward Halloween party, and for my birthday. Stay tuned for pictures of the upcoming culinary masterpieces.


Corndog said...

Your outstanding performance in the D.C. qualifying round has earned you a chance to compete in the coveted...CORNDOG'S CHRISTMAS CUPCAKE SMACKDOWN!
This year's competition will be held in sunny Arizona during the month of December. A hairnet in your team colors will be provided for your bearded "frosting-guy" assistant.

Ryan said...

Well, I don't have a beard anymore, but I could probably still use that hairnet. Be sure to provide one for yourself as well.

Kathy said...

I would like to know if there is a limit on how many cupcakes you are allowed to eat during the Christmas Cupcake Smackdown.

Corndog said...

Limit??? We don't need no stinking limit! You eat cupcakes until:
1) The 3 rounds are over
2) You "tap out" in submission
3) You are rendered unconscious

Ryan said...

I'm still unclear as to what the Cupcake Smackdown will consist of. Perhaps Corndog could give me an idea of what to expect at the event.

Tyler Lloyd said...

hurray Sarah!

Corndog said...

It's just your standard cupcake competition...but all participants are caged together and governed by the rules of ultimate fighting. You've been to the Coliseum in Rome...just picture it full of Gladiators preparing for a bake-sale.