Well, the Petersons managed to survive their first road trip as a family of three, with minimal psychological or physical damage. We took a few days off to head to Arizona for Thanksgiving with my family, which was a lot of fun. Special thanks to my kind parents for hosting the three of us for the weekend.
El Senor was a trooper, and actually did alright considering he was strapped into this chair for eight hours. Bien hecho, amigo!
As you can imagine, El Senor was the star of the show, since much of the family had yet to meet him. Here he is being gazed upon in silent awe.
I asked one of my nephews to take a picture with some of the youngest members of the family. By the time I got my phone back, he had managed to take 17 pictures to help capture the moment. I call this collection: "Wait, get your finger off the lens. Don't shake the camera too much. Sam, get out of the shot. You know what, I think we got it. Just hand me back the phone." In short, a good time was had by all. Happy belated Thanksgiving!